Sifat Rabbi,达卡开发人员,孟加拉国达卡分部
Sifat is available for hire
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Sifat Rabbi

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Developer

Dhaka, Dhaka Division, Bangladesh
Toptal Member Since
January 18, 2022

Sifat是一个动态和驱动的全栈web开发人员,拥有五年的web应用程序制作实践经验. With a robust skill set encompassing Node.js, React, Express, Next.js, AWS, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Material UI, PostgreSQL, and MySQL, Sifat为他承担的每个项目带来了多功能性和创新性. Driven by an unwavering commitment to excellence, Sifat embraces challenges head-on, 持续交付超出预期的结果.


Next.js, Node.. js, Serverless, Vercel, CI/CD pipeline, Material UI, Express.js...
Toptal Client
Node.js, React, JavaScript, SQL, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon S3...
Toptal Client
Node.js, React, MySQL, Amazon Web Services (AWS), SQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3)...




Preferred Environment

Ubuntu, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Slack, Google Meet, Skype

The most amazing...

...我开发了一个叫做Grateful BD的电子商务网站. The website is regularly used to sell products.

Work Experience

Senior Full-stack Developer (via Toptal)

2022 - PRESENT
  • 开发功能,帮助客户将潜在客户数量从每月2,000增加到5,000.
  • Built a portal for car dealers to get car leads. Hundreds of dealers use the portal.
  • Created features in Next.Js为每月有数百万用户访问的网站.
  • Created a responsive user interface using Next.js and Material UI.
  • 将遗留系统API与新的用户界面集成在一起.
  • 使用Jest添加单元测试,并测试各种功能和特性.
Technologies: Next.js, Node.. js, Serverless, Vercel, CI/CD pipeline, Material UI, Express.js, Responsive UI, Responsive Layout, REST APIs, Axios, Jest, TypeScript, Scrum, Stripe, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Full-stack, Figma, HTML, CSS, HTML5, Back-end, Front-end, APIs, Admin Panels, Front-end Development, Back-end Development, User Interface (UI), ECMAScript (ES6), Lodash, JSON, Yup, Web Development, Stripe API, Stripe Checkout, Stripe Payments, Amazon DynamoDB, Stripe Subscriptions, Software Architecture, GraphQL, Webhooks, Payment APIs, Storybook, Monorepos, ESLint, A/B Testing, Version Control, Testing, Dashboards, Payment Gateways, Payment Providers, Google Analytics, NPM, Integration, Deployment, PWA, Microservices, Code Review, Object-relational Mapping (ORM), Sentry, Software Engineering, React Server Components, MVP Design, T4, Authentication, UI Libraries, Routing, React Query, Startups, NoSQL, Web Design, API Development, Debugging, Troubleshooting, CSV

Full-stack JavaScript Developer

2022 - 2023
Toptal Client
  • Developed an eCommerce website using Express.js and React.
  • 使用不同的AWS服务,如AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Amazon RDS, Amazon S3, Amazon CloudFront, etc.
  • 集成了不同的API,如亚马逊产品广告API.
Technologies: Node.js, React, JavaScript, SQL, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon S3, PostgreSQL, Amazon Product Advertising API, API Integration, XML, Amazon CloudFront CDN, AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy, Responsive UI, APIs, API Architecture, React-Bootstrap, Axios, SendGrid API, JSON, Lodash, Google Login, Responsive, eCommerce, HTML DOM, React Router, Single-page Applications (SPA), Web Development, CSS, HTML5, Back-end, Front-end, Prisma, Web Applications, Database Modeling, Amazon RDS, SendGrid, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Full-stack, HTML, Front-end Development, Back-end Development, REST APIs, User Interface (UI), ECMAScript (ES6), AWS SDK, Architecture, OAuth 2, Scrum, Leadership, Software Architecture, Database Architecture, AWS Deployment, DevOps, ESLint, Version Control, CI/CD Pipelines, Dashboards, Amazon EC2, NPM, Integration, Cloud Architecture, Solution Architecture, Deployment, Proof of Concept (POC), PWA, Code Review, System Design, Object-relational Mapping (ORM), Software Engineering, Web Scraping, MVP Design, Vercel, T4, API Design, Authentication, UI Libraries, Routing, Startups, Web Design, API Development, Debugging, Troubleshooting

Full-stack Engineer

2022 - 2022
Toptal Client
  • Developed multiple apps using Next.js with serverless functions.
  • 前端使用MUI,使网站响应移动端.
  • 使用不同的AWS服务来实现所需的功能.
Technologies: Node.. js、React、MySQL、Amazon Web Services (AWS)、SQL、Amazon S3 (AWS S3)、JavaScript、Next.js, Serverless, Serverless Architecture, Prisma, Responsive UI, Responsive, Material UI, OAuth 2, Google Login, Google API, Lodash, CSV Export, CSV Import, CSV File Processing, Calendars, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), JSON, Twilio, Twilio API, SendGrid, SendGrid API, Yup, Admin Panels, TypeScript, Jira, Axios, HTML, CSS, HTML5, Full-stack Development, HTML DOM, Single-page Applications (SPA), Web Development, Back-end, Front-end, APIs, Web Applications, Database Modeling, Agile, Amazon RDS, Full-stack, Figma, Front-end Development, Back-end Development, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), REST APIs, User Interface (UI), ECMAScript (ES6), AWS SDK, Architecture, Vercel, Scrum, Software Architecture, Database Architecture, AWS Deployment, DevOps, ESLint, Version Control, Dashboards, NPM, Integration, Deployment, Proof of Concept (POC), PWA, Redis, Vite, System Design, Object-relational Mapping (ORM), Software Engineering, MVP Design, T4, API Design, Authentication, UI Libraries, Routing, Startups, Web Design, API Development, Debugging, Troubleshooting

Full-stack Web Developer

2022 - 2022
ElecTrain, LLC
  • Developed the entire back and front end. 现在这个应用程序已经投入生产,它帮助客户管理他们的检查.
  • 设计数据库表并优化查询.
  • 处理大量图片上传到DigitalOcean S3存储.
  • 增加了从自定义数据生成PDF报告的功能.
Technologies: Next.js, React-Bootstrap, Prisma, PostgreSQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Responsive UI, Responsive Layout, Mobile UI, Database Migration, HTML, HTML5, CSS, Node.js, React, JavaScript, Bitbucket, Git, Axios, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), REST APIs, API Integration, REST, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Architecture, API Architecture, Bootstrap, SQL, Full-stack Development, JSON, Lodash, Responsive, Serverless Architecture, HTML DOM, Single-page Applications (SPA), Web Development, Back-end, Front-end, Admin Panels, Web Applications, Database Modeling, Full-stack, APIs, Front-end Development, Back-end Development, User Interface (UI), ECMAScript (ES6), Serverless, Vercel, Scrum, Software Architecture, Database Architecture, DevOps, ESLint, DigitalOcean, Version Control, Dashboards, NPM, Integration, Cloud Architecture, Solution Architecture, Deployment, Proof of Concept (POC), PWA, System Design, Object-relational Mapping (ORM), Software Engineering, MVP Design, API Design, Authentication, UI Libraries, Routing, Web Design, API Development, Debugging, Troubleshooting

Full-stack Web Developer

2021 - 2022
An Online Freelance Agency
  • 使用React, Express等JavaScript框架开发了5个以上的web应用程序.js, Next.js, and NestJS.
  • 帮助客户决定项目所需的技术.
  • 在最后期限内以优异的质量交付项目,并获得了许多良好的客户反馈.
  • 实施项目前端的移动响应式设计.
Technologies: React, Next.js, Node.js, Redux, NestJS, React-Bootstrap, AWS Amplify, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Bitbucket, Sequelize, JavaScript, PostgreSQL, SQL, Front-end, Back-end, HTML5, CSS, HTML, Full-stack, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Front-end Development, Back-end Development, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), User Interface (UI), MySQL, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Git, GitHub, Figma, REST APIs, REST, Mobile UI, Architecture, API Architecture, Full-stack Development, JSON, Lodash, Responsive, HTML DOM, React Router, Redux Thunk, Single-page Applications (SPA), Web Development, React Redux, Web Applications, Database Modeling, APIs, ECMAScript (ES6), Software Architecture, Database Architecture, DevOps, ESLint, Version Control, Firebase, MERN Stack, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), NPM, Integration, Deployment, Proof of Concept (POC), PWA, Object-relational Mapping (ORM), Software Engineering, MVP Design, API Design, Authentication, UI Libraries, Routing, Web Design, API Development, Debugging, Troubleshooting

Software Engineer

2021 - 2022
Greentech Apps Foundation
  • 开发了一个应用程序来管理不同组织的交易、账单和发票.
  • Introduced TypeScript and Tailwind CSS to the project.
  • 指导初级开发人员和技术不同的技术.
  • 使用不同的AWS服务(如AWS S3和AWS text)实现功能.
  • 在项目中引入了使用Mocha和Chai的单元测试.
Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, Next.js, Express.js, TypeScript, TypeORM, Tailwind CSS, React-Bootstrap, ClickUp, PostgreSQL, Xero API, Mocha, Chai, HTML, Axios, Chart.js, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Cookies, Passport.js, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Git, Sequelize, Full-stack, Figma, CSS, SCSS, HTML5, FontAwesome, Back-end, Front-end, GitHub, SQL, Google Meet, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Slack, Ubuntu, APIs, Admin Panels, Front-end Development, Back-end Development, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Minimum Viable Product (MVP), REST APIs, Jest, User Interface (UI), ECMAScript (ES6), Data Visualization, AWS SDK, React, API Integration, Database Migration, Architecture, API Architecture, Context API, OAuth 2, Bootstrap, Full-stack Development, JSON, Lodash, Docker, Docker Compose, HTML DOM, Single-page Applications (SPA), Web Development, Charts, Web Applications, Database Modeling, Agile, Amazon RDS, Scrum, Leadership, Technical Leadership, Team Leadership, Software Architecture, Database Architecture, AWS Deployment, DevOps, Webhooks, ESLint, Version Control, Testing, OCR, Automation, Dashboards, NPM, Integration, Deployment, Proof of Concept (POC), PWA, Code Review, System Design, Object-relational Mapping (ORM), Software Engineering, MVP Design, API Design, Authentication, UI Libraries, Routing, Startups, Web Design, API Testing, API Development, Debugging, Troubleshooting

Software Engineer

2021 - 2021
Grateful BD
  • 开发了一个电子商务网站,经常用于销售产品.
  • 使用Jira跟踪问题,使用Bitbucket进行版本控制.
  • 使用迁移脚本,sequalize CLI进行数据库迁移.
Technologies: Next.js, Material UI, Tailwind CSS, Sequelize, Bitbucket, JavaScript, Redux, Jira, SQL, Front-end, Back-end, HTML5, CSS, HTML, Full-stack, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), APIs, Admin Panels, Front-end Development, Back-end Development, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), REST APIs, React Redux, User Interface (UI), ECMAScript (ES6), MySQL, Node.js, React, Git, Axios, REST, Database Migration, Mobile UI, eCommerce, Architecture, API Architecture, Full-stack Development, JSON, Lodash, Responsive, HTML DOM, Redux Thunk, Single-page Applications (SPA), Web Development, Web Applications, Database Modeling, Responsive UI, Serverless Architecture, Leadership, Technical Leadership, Team Leadership, Software Architecture, Database Architecture, DevOps, ESLint, Version Control, TypeScript, NPM, Integration, Cloud Architecture, Solution Architecture, Deployment, Proof of Concept (POC), PWA, Redis, Vite, Code Review, System Design, Object-relational Mapping (ORM), Software Engineering, MVP Design, API Design, Authentication, UI Libraries, Routing, Startups, Web Design, API Development, Debugging, Troubleshooting

Software Engineer

2020 - 2021
Enosis Solutions
  • 开发了一个应用程序来安排考试,支付考试费用,选择监考人和评估评估.
  • Wrote unit tests for a Node.js back end and fixed existing test failures.
  • 与Bitbucket和Jira一起进行项目的版本控制,并轻松跟踪工作进度.
Technologies: Node.. js, React, PostgreSQL, Material UI, React- bootstrap, Redux, Express.js, Hapi.js, Jira, Bitbucket, Sequelize, Stripe, SendGrid, Mocha, Chai, HTML, Axios, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Cookies, Passport.js, Twilio, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Git, Full-stack, CSS, Azure Blob Storage API, Google Maps API, HTML5, Back-end, Front-end, JavaScript, SQL, FontAwesome, Google Meet, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Slack, Ubuntu, APIs, Swagger, Admin Panels, Front-end Development, Back-end Development, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Minimum Viable Product (MVP), REST APIs, Windows, React Redux, User Interface (UI), ECMAScript (ES6), AWS SDK, GitHub, API Integration, REST, Database Migration, Mobile UI, Architecture, API Architecture, Bootstrap, Full-stack Development, SendGrid API, Twilio API, JSON, Lodash, Google Login, Responsive, HTML DOM, React Router, Redux Thunk, Single-page Applications (SPA), Web Development, CSV Import, Web Applications, Database Modeling, Agile, Amazon RDS, Heroku, Scrum, Stripe API, Stripe Checkout, Stripe Payments, Technical Leadership, Team Leadership, Software Architecture, Database Architecture, AWS Deployment, Webhooks, Payment APIs, ESLint, Version Control, Testing, Azure, Payment Gateways, NPM, Integration, Proof of Concept (POC), PWA, Code Review, System Design, Object-relational Mapping (ORM), Software Engineering, MVP Design, API Design, Authentication, UI Libraries, Routing, Web Design, API Testing, API Development, Debugging, Troubleshooting, CSV

Energy Calculation App

A full-stack app with Node.js back end and React front end.

For the back end, the Express.js framework was used. 后端使用Multer处理文件上传,并使用第三方API进行计算. 在这个应用程序中,用户使用了不同类型的角色.

In the front end, Material-UI was used. For state, management React use state hook was used. 有两个面板,一个用于用户,一个用于管理员.

PostgreSQL database is used with Sequelize ORM.

Cost Tracker App

A full-stack app using Next.js for the front end and Node.js for the back end. typeScript也被用于前端和后端服务器.

The UI design was implemented following Figma design. Tailwind CSS was used for custom design.

The back end was implemented using the Express.js framework and file upload was handled using Multer. 其他服务,如AWS S3、AWS text和Xero API被用于这个应用程序.


Grateful BD eCommerce Website

A Next.js web app for my eCommerce business.

前端和后端都是使用Next开发的.js. Material-UI was used for the UI design, 对于状态管理,使用React使用状态Hook和Redux.


虽然网站的开发还没有完全完成, this website already sells products. 由于使用了服务器端渲染,这个网站的整体性能很好.

Inspection Tracker Application

A full-stack Next.Js应用程序,根据不同的检查制作自定义报告.

Developed the back and front end with Next.js. 我使用PostgreSQL和Prisma ORM作为数据库,使用React-Bootstrap作为UI. 同时,为手机和平板设备实施响应式设计.

Fertilizer Shop

一个全栈的web应用程序来跟踪所有的东西在肥料商店. 该应用程序主要是一个管理门户,商店的管理员可以在其中跟踪他们的计算. 在这个应用程序中,复杂的计算由数据库事务严格维护.

此应用程序使用的主要技术包括Next.js, MUI, a serverless function, PostgreSQL, and more.
2015 - 2019

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science



Node.js, React, Xero API, Stripe, Chai, Chart.js, Passport.js, REST APIs, React Redux, Context API, Lodash, Twilio API, SendGrid API, React Router, React Query, API Development, Azure Blob Storage API, Google API, Yup, Amazon Product Advertising API, D3.js, Stripe API, Google Maps API, AWS Amplify


Slack, Bitbucket, Sequelize, Git, GitHub, SendGrid, Mocha, Prisma, Redux Thunk, AWS Deployment, NPM, Sentry, ChatGPT, Auth0, Skype, Jira, GitLab, Figma, AWS SDK, Amazon CloudFront CDN, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy, Docker Compose, Stripe Checkout, Expo, Google Analytics


Material UI, React-Bootstrap, Redux, Express.js, Next.js,顺风CSS, NestJS, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), Swagger, OAuth 2, Bootstrap, Hapi.js, Jest, React Native


JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, HTML5, SQL, ECMAScript (ES6), T4, Python, SCSS, XML, GraphQL, C, Java, C++


Responsive Layout, REST, API Architecture, Serverless Architecture, Responsive, HTML DOM, Agile, Testing, Microservices, Object-relational Mapping (ORM), Mobile Development, DevOps, Automation, Socket Programming, Scrum


Windows, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Vercel, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), DigitalOcean, Ubuntu, Twilio, Docker, Heroku, Firebase, Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon EC2, Android


Databases, PostgreSQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), MySQL, Database Migration, JSON, Database Modeling, Database Architecture, Redis, NoSQL, Distributed Databases, MongoDB, Amazon DynamoDB

Industry Expertise

Web Design


Algorithms, Data Structures, Google Meet, TypeORM, Axios, Cookies, Full-stack, Back-end, Front-end, APIs, Front-end Development, Back-end Development, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), User Interface (UI), Responsive UI, Mobile UI, API Integration, eCommerce, Architecture, Serverless, Google Login, CSV Import, Calendars, Single-page Applications (SPA), Web Development, Data Visualization, Web Applications, Amazon RDS, CI/CD Pipelines, Leadership, Technical Leadership, Full-stack Development, Stripe Subscriptions, Team Leadership, Software Architecture, Webhooks, Payment APIs, Storybook, Monorepos, ESLint, Supabase, A/B Testing, Version Control, Dashboards, MERN Stack, Payment Gateways, Integration, Deployment, Proof of Concept (POC), PWA, Vite, Code Review, System Design, Software Engineering, React Server Components, MVP Design, API Design, Authentication, UI Libraries, Routing, Startups, API Testing, Debugging, Troubleshooting, CSV, Operating Systems, ClickUp, FontAwesome, Admin Panels, CSV Export, AWS CodePipeline, Charts, Stripe Payments, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Mobile App Development, OCR, WebSockets, Payment Providers, Machine Learning, Cloud Architecture, Solution Architecture, Web Scraping, CSV File Processing

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