Ivan Cropotov,摩尔多瓦基希讷乌Chișinău开发者
Ivan is available for hire
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Ivan Cropotov

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Toptal Member Since
February 29, 2016

Lately, Ivan's been building and maintaining Kubernetes clusters in AWS and related DevOps tasks for a highly loaded telecommunication project—reaching better performance, 降低基础设施成本, 以及更可靠的部署过程. Ivan还擅长开发各种微服务应用(Node.js/Go)在项目中. Ivan prides himself on his clear communication skills with both his team and management.


Subcomediante LLC
Moment.. js、DNS、Google Cloud、Node.js, CSS, DevOps, Bash, domain & Hosting...
Jenkins Pipeline, DNS, Docker Compose, Google Cloud, Redis, DevOps, Go, Bash...
亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Jenkins Pipeline, DNS, Redis, DevOps, Bash...




Preferred Environment

Vim文本编辑器,IntelliJ IDEA, Bash, Git, Linux, MacOS

The most amazing...

...thing I've done is the complete architecture redesign and implementation of an online game project from a raw JavaScript framework that enabled its launch.

Work Experience

Full-stack Developer

2020 - PRESENT
Subcomediante LLC
  • Designed and planned out complicated filtering of org-mode files for a Vue.具有条件显示和嵌套解析的Js前端.
  • Added an SSO (single sign-on) solution using embedded iframes and token interchange.
  • Created automated CI/CD using Google Cloud (Google Cloud run to Google Storage and Google Cloud functions).
Technologies: Moment.. js、DNS、Google Cloud、Node.js, CSS, DevOps, Bash, domain & Hosting, Iframes, Google Sheets API, Continuous Deployment, Google Sheets, 谷歌云功能, Serverless, Vuex, Lodash, CSS3, HTML5, Vue, Vue 2

站点可靠性工程师| Go Engineer

2019 - 2020
  • Developed a ​CLI​ tool for deploying services that maintained cluster status on ​a GitOps​ repository for stable deployment and easy cluster handle/transform.
  • Fixed a bug with the Elastic APM plugin (found a bug in the official repository and worked it out together with the ELK team), 为开源的威严做出自己的贡献.
  • Resolved tedious issues with services using ​Go​ related to image caching, latency spikes, as well as developing requested tweaks and suggestions with TDD and some refactoring.
  • 维护和优化GCP平台上的Kubernetes集群, 设置监视/警报, 错误率和ELK日志, making sure that SLO, SLI, and SLA are inline.
  • Optimized search times and shard allocations/index rotation for ELK.
  • Resolved bugs related to latency spikes, caching/database, load, and balancing/scaling.
  • Improved deployment stability by implementing a graceful shutdown of the services.
技术:Jenkins Pipeline, DNS, Docker Compose, Google Cloud, Redis, DevOps, Go, Bash, REST APIs, Domains & Hosting, Cloud, Jenkins, 持续交付(CD), 持续集成(CI), Docker, Kubernetes

DevOps Engineer

2018 - 2019
  • Redesigned the log pipe to ELK stack by optimizing the app runtime information collection.
  • 启动了用于错误聚合和警报的Sentry服务.
  • Urgently tweaked and hot-fixed an existing CICD solution when it broke and the development was stuck.
  • 设置集群监控以获取关键性能统计数据.
  • 重构基础架构,使其作为CI/CD在JenkinsX上运行.
技术:亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Jenkins Pipeline, DNS, Redis, DevOps, Bash, REST APIs, Domains & 托管,ELK(弹性堆栈),Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes

DevOps/Node.js Developer

2016 - 2018
Veoo Limited
  • 将项目微服务封装到Docker容器中, crafted CI/CD and launched production grade Kubernetes cluster on AWS with profiling metrics and logging to ELK.
  • Found and resolved a large number of bugs and applied best coding practices and patterns.
  • 将整个项目重构为一个新的日志系统, 它允许我们向Elasticsearch引擎发送日志.
  • Migrated a portion of the project's data from MongoDB to a more suitable and cheap MySQL solution.
  • 添加了用于邮件解析的各种微服务部分, 通过DNS与提供商对话, 以及系统级测试.
  • Implemented features for the sales team and client integrations using both Go and Node.js.
  • 拆分和缩小生产MySQL的成本优化.
技术:RabbitMQ, DNS, Redis, Node.js, DevOps, Go, Bash, REST api, domain & Hosting, Git, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), PHP, MySQL, Docker, Kubernetes

自由Web应用程序开发人员(Node.js, Backbone.js, Marionette.js)

2016 - 2016
Peak Shift, Inc. (via Toptal)
  • 成功重构了现有主干.使用木偶是很重要的.js structure.
  • 为应用程序构建新功能, using the whole stack; I added new pages and UI elements (HTML, CSS, and jQuery), 适当的提交和前端处理(木偶).js) and added back-end endpoints for necessary logic handling (Node.js, MySQL).
  • 成功创建深嵌套视图结构, proper rendering, 用木偶的部位来提神.
  • Suggested and implemented UX flow details and necessities leading to clearer design and app overall.
  • 与客户一起管理,创建明确的里程碑, 估计并努力成功实现这些目标.
Technologies: Node.js, CSS, Bash, REST api, Git, HTML, Backbone.js, Marionette.js

Online Game Developer

2014 - 2016
  • Developed a live-notification system using WebSockets and an asynchronous Tornado framework, 哪一个将数据库请求的数量优化了10倍以上.
  • Created an achievement calculator for players that belonged to a particular virtual city which included aggregating 40 metrics, distributing prizes, 在前端进行渲染.
  • Designed architecture for back-end by refactoring a PHP mono repository into Node.js microservices with RabbitMQ as a communication layer and Redis as the cache.
  • 为Google Play Game services调整了Cordova插件. 这增加了离线授权的功能, handling calls, 并从后端在排行榜API上发布成就.
  • 开发了50多个复杂的页面(弹出窗口), animations, and transitions) for the SPA version of the game for mobile platforms using a front-end Marionette framework with jQuery, 以及在后端为它实现API.
  • Completely restructured a game module using a machine pattern, which led to a 10x faster response.
  • Designed the front-end and mobile architecture (Сordova, HTML/CSS, and Marionette.js).
  • 使用木偶设计并布局了一个重构的架构.js/Backbone.使用RequireJS引导项目启动.
Technologies: Moment.. js, RabbitMQ,推送通知,Cordova, Redis, Node.js, CSS, Bash, REST api, domain & 托管,SCSS, HTML5, PostgreSQL, PHP, Java, Python,木偶.js, CoffeeScript, JavaScript

Web Developer

2012 - 2013
  • Completely changed the authorization process for a small social network which included Facebook and Google authorization, 改变现有的用户识别. Basically redesigned it with completely different UI dynamic features with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Added a feature of managing groups profile with personal profiles; adding moderators and administrators roles.
  • Implemented a client management system in Django based on an online service API for processing data retrieved from special tire sensors. 这包括使用Mandrill软件自动发送电子邮件, PDF格式的报告呈现和结构, 并在一个整洁有序的界面中呈现.
技术:推送通知,节点.js, CSS, Django, Python, HTML, jQuery, MySQL


An online game (social-economic RPG simulator) currently launched for mobile platforms on major platforms (Android, iOS, and Windows Phone).

Participation in Southwest Baptist University's Computer Science Program

I completed my first year at Southwest Baptist University (Bolivar, MO)在美国有一个4.0 GPA in the Computer Science program; totaling 25 units.

Vuu for Movies

Vuu is a media and TV-related startup that's been serving additional content for movies and shows. It's divided into three major domains—serving APIs for clients and iOS app, 填充内容的内部工具, and some R&D ML part.

我一直在确保基础设施能承受这些负荷, 解决网络问题, 开发CI/CD功能, 以及其他与SRE相关的问题和功能, 以及在后端站点上实现一些GO开发.
2007 - 2012







REST APIs, Node.js, Jenkins Pipeline, Vue, Vue 2, Vuex, Google Sheets API, Lodash, Backbone.木偶,木偶.. js, Redis Queue, Google+ API, Game Center, React, jQuery, Backbone.js, Underscore.js, CreateJS, Moment.js, Mustache, Google API, Facebook API, Passport.js


Elastic, Makefile, Make, Docker Compose, Ansible, Jenkins, Helm, Docker Hub, RabbitMQ, Terraform, PhpStorm, WebStorm, ELK (Elastic Stack), Google Sheets, IntelliJ IDEA, Vim Text Editor, NPM, Git, Mongoose, Grunt, Apple推送通知, Knex.js, Capistrano


HTML, Bash, Go, JavaScript, CSS, Bash Script, Python, Java, SQL, CSS3, PHP, HTML5, CoffeeScript, SCSS


Microservices架构, DevOps, Windows应用程序开发, API Architecture, Web Architecture, Microservices, 对象关系映射(ORM), Promise, Continuous Deployment, 持续集成(CI), 持续交付(CD), RESTful Development, 函数式编程, REST, 声明性编程, 敏捷软件开发, Kanban


Amazon EC2, Docker, Kubernetes, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Linux, Heroku, MacOS, Windows, Android, iOS, Windows Phone


Google Cloud, Elasticsearch, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Redis, Database Migration, Cassandra, MySQL, Relational Databases, PostgreSQL, MongoDB


CakePHP, FuelPHP, Django, Express.js, Redux


Prometheus, Monitoring, Minimum Viable Product (MVP), RESTful Microservices, Load Balancers, Domains & Hosting, 集装箱编配, Containers, Kubernetes运营(kOps), Server Migration, DNS, Code Architecture, 谷歌云功能, Scripting, Data Structures, Algorithms, Apache Cassandra, CTO, Serverless, Iframes, Cloud, Cordova, 谷歌+认证, Google Game Services, Ajax, Push Notifications, WebSockets, Async.js,蓝鸟,谷歌+,龙卷风



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