Huzefa Gadi,印度马哈拉施特拉邦浦那的开发商
Huzefa is available for hire
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Huzefa Gadi

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Mobile Application Developer

Pune, Maharashtra, India
Toptal Member Since
May 2, 2023

Huzefa is a hands-on technology leader and programmer specializing in full-stack development using ReactJs, Flutter, Node.js, and Android. 作为后端和移动工程师, 他在创业公司和高节奏的工程环境中拥有12年的经验. Huzefa擅长管理工程团队, 推动多个成功的产品发布, 并在预算范围内按时交付解决方案.


Freelance Clients
JavaScript, Java, Android, iOS, Flutter, NodeMCU, Node.js, React, Bluetooth...
JavaScript, React, Node.. js、API架构、斑马编程语言(ZPL)
I Love Black People
Python, FastAPI,移动开发,iOS, Android, React Native, Flutter, Dart...




Preferred Environment

Flutter, Node.js, React, Firebase,全栈开发,移动应用,物联网(IoT)

The most amazing...

...我曾经参与的项目是一个基于flutter的应用程序,用于以折扣价订购食物, 让用户省钱,商家减少食物浪费.

Work Experience


2020 - PRESENT
Freelance Clients
  • 用Flutter开发了一个送餐应用, allowing users to order food on the go depending on the user's geolocation and the restaurant. 这款应用有数千次下载,每天处理约100个订单.
  • Brought a 30-year-old device into the cloud by tweaking the way it sent the signals using Raspberry Pi and allowed customers to track their solar output remotely.
  • Created APIs using Node.js and Express.使用Postgres SQL和mongodb DB来处理后端.
技术:JavaScript, Java, Android, iOS, Flutter, NodeMCU, Node.js, React, Bluetooth, Bluetooth LE, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Internet of Things (IoT), WebView, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Scalability, Mobile Development, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), CTO, DevOps, Google Sheets, Excel 2016, APIs, JSON, REST APIs, Payment APIs, Algorithms, Agile, Kotlin, API Integration, TypeScript, MongoDB, SQL, PostgreSQL, NoSQL, ETL, Mobile App Development, Full-stack, Architecture, GraphQL, App UX, App UI, Solidity, Bitbucket, OpenAI GPT-3 API, Twilio API, Twilio, CSS, Web Development, Git, Redux, Next.js, Front-end Development, Back-end Architecture, AWS Amplify, Mobile, OAuth 2, HTML, Swift, UI Animation, UIKit, Cloud Firestore, Design, Visualization, FlutterFlow, Google Maps API, Data Science, REST, RESTful Services, 近场通信(NFC), Engineering Management, Software Architecture, Delivery Management, Management, Xcode, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Android Studio

JavaScript Developer

2024 - 2024
  • 开发了一个与Zebra打印机集成的系统.
  • 处理PDF到ZPL转换的内部实现.
  • 连接一个React网站与Zebra打印机服务.
技术:JavaScript, React, Node.. js、API架构、斑马编程语言(ZPL)

Mobile App Developer

2023 - 2023
I Love Black People
  • 开发了一个应用程序,通过众包的方式在附近寻找对黑人友好的地方.
  • 设计后端和管理应用程序与可视化数据的能力.
  • Used Google APIs to save and store the location info and use it in the app in realtime.
Technologies: Python, FastAPI,移动开发,iOS, Android, React Native, Flutter, Dart, JavaScript, Architecture, FlutterFlow, ChatGPT, Google Maps API, REST, RESTful Services, Software Architecture, Delivery Management, Management, Xcode, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Android Studio

Android Developer

2023 - 2023
  • 修复了Android设备上的应用程序与BLE连接的问题.
  • 提高了整个应用程序的速度和性能.
  • Added a more reliable connection with the hardware device and fixed the application's codebase.
Technologies: Android, Bluetooth LE, Flutter, Dart, Google Maps API, REST, RESTful Services, Software Architecture, Delivery Management, Management, Xcode, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Android Studio

Flutter Developer

2023 - 2023
  • Enhanced the app performance by reducing the redundant codes causing the app to lag and had issues with the caching of images and other media, which was also fixed.
  • Fixed the Flutter 3rd-party library and made changes to accommodate the client's needs.
  • 修复了导致Google Play发行问题的问题.
Technologies: Flutter, Dart, Firebase, iOS, Android, FlutterFlow, ChatGPT, Google Maps API, REST, RESTful Services, Software Architecture, Delivery Management, Xcode, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Android Studio

Senior Full-stack Developer

2017 - 2020
Infiswift Technologies
  • 创建了一个实时跟踪卡车、拖拉机和收割机的系统.
  • Developed Flutter-based apps to remotely control harvesters in farming using Bluetooth.
  • 实时监控和维护太阳能发电.
Technologies: Node.js, React, Flutter, Android, iOS, NodeMCU, Arduino IDE, Bluetooth LE, Internet of Things (IoT), User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Scalability, Mobile Development, Text to Image, Transportation & Logistics, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), DevOps, Raspberry Pi, Python, Embedded Linux, APIs, JSON, REST APIs, Payment APIs, Algorithms, Agile, Kotlin, API Integration, MongoDB, SQL, PostgreSQL, NoSQL, ETL, Mobile App Development, Full-stack, Architecture, GraphQL, App UX, App UI, Solidity, Bitbucket, Twilio API, CSS, Web Development, Git, Front-end Development, Back-end Architecture, AWS Amplify, Mobile, OAuth, OAuth 2, HTML, Swift, UI Animation, UIKit, Cloud Firestore, Design, Visualization, Google Maps API, Data Science, REST, RESTful Services, Delivery Management, Management, Xcode, Visual Studio Code (VS Code)


2014 - 2017
Freelance Clients
  • 为硬件设备开发应用程序来控制它们并实时显示数据.
  • 使用Node处理后端.使用JWT令牌和Firebase身份验证处理用户管理.
  • Managed a team of five developers working on various projects to get the required results with the best quality and optimal results.
Technologies: Android, NodeMCU, Arduino, Bluetooth LE, iOS, Firebase, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Scalability, Mobile Development, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), APIs, JSON, REST APIs, Payment APIs, Algorithms, Agile, Kotlin, API Integration, SQL, NoSQL, Mobile App Development, Full-stack, Architecture, App UX, App UI, Bitbucket, CSS, Git, Front-end Development, Back-end Architecture, PHP, OAuth, OAuth 2, HTML, Swift, UI Animation, UIKit, Design, Visualization, Google Maps API, REST, RESTful Services, Management, Xcode, Grafana

Senior Systems Engineer

2012 - 2014
  • 为世界上主要的信用卡供应商之一创建了3D安全协议.
  • 对整个系统的bug进行跟踪和修复,并进行定期维护.
  • Built systems to speed up the process of error tracking and basic project documentation.
Technologies: Android, Java, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Mobile Development, APIs, JSON, REST APIs, Payment APIs, Algorithms, Agile, API Integration, SQL, Mobile App Development, Full-stack, Architecture, Git, Front-end Development, PHP, OAuth, HTML, Unity, REST, RESTful Services

Just Dabao
A Flutter-based app that allows users to order food at discounted rates from restaurants. 它还使商家能够通过减少食物浪费来节省资金. The app uses location-based filtering to track orders and give users the best option available.


这款应用就像是美容造型师的优步, an on-demand app where users can book stylists and also it provides real-time tracking and online payment systems, allowing the entire process to take place within seconds and giving customers the flexibility to book a stylist from the comfort of their homes.

Social App for Travellers

A React/Flutter-based app for social networking between users to communicate and share details about their travel stories, and it had a map-based interactive messaging system for the users to communicate with each other and view their travel stories over a globe-based interface using MapBox, as well as it allowed users to check all the available stories for a particular area on the MapBox Globe using heatmaps.

Orijin Plus
The app is an eCommerce for wholesalers with a system that involves the usage of Mapbox and that enables users to track and verify the authenticity of their products and the users can also see the whole journey of the product saved on the blockchain, 了解他们的食品来自哪里, how they are made, 以及推动公司发展的原则.


It's an Android/Flutter-based app that was developed to track the user's geolocation and would allow the system to track the geofences and push over offers depending on their nearest trade partner.


如果你在一家与客户有合作关系的咖啡店附近, they will detect your location and will send over offers that are available in that coffee shop.

Farm Vehicle Tracking System

It's an Android/Flutter-based app that was created to detect a phone's location in a periodic manner and would send it over to the cloud using MQTT with high throughput and availability,

It was made to be fail-safe. 即使没有网络或手机关机,它也会毫无问题地恢复.

A dashboard was made where these data would be displayed as if it was a real-time video, using the data points coming in the geocoordinates paths that were plotted on the screen to get a real-time experience.

Mobile Wallet for Mobile/Web


Walk With Me

It's a Flutter and Firebase-based social media app that allows users to find events near them and also allows them to create new events and invite others to them.

•如遇紧急情况,可发送SOS求救信息, 所有在附近的人都会立即得到通知.
• It's integrated with local security groups that get notified in case of an emergency.


该系统是启用30年的太阳能逆变器, which was communicating with a sitting computer with standalone software running on it using very old tech. The client wanted to put it on the cloud but had no documentation about it as it was quite old.

I used Raspberry Pi, 使用rs42到Modbus连接器连接到这些设备, and then I tracked the incoming packets using Wireshark and then decoded what was sent to the old computer.

Using Node.. js和Python代码, 我可以和那个装置交流, 我使用MQTT和Restful api将数据发送到服务器.

Grafana was used to convert the real-time data into dashboards and allowed a visual representation of the data. Telegraf还用于将原始数据转换为所需的格式.

Smart Water Heater System

The system was built around a water heater which has no digital output except the LED lights showing the status of the motor, water level, and temperature.
So, I built a custom circuit that would convert those LED (AC) signals and converted it into digital ones using AC/DC converters. 然后,使用这个值,我将这些信号连接到树莓派. 然后,信号将使用使用Wifi加密狗的MQTT向服务器发送数据. 这使得客户可以随时检测加热器是否有任何异常.


A Flutter-based app that displays all the artifacts found on a prehistoric site from the Nordic region, and the app uses Offline Maps using Mapbox along with panoramic views to show 3D Images using Google panoramic API to give an immersive experience to the users.

• Ability to view maps offline using MapBox so that users could navigate even in remotest areas without internet
• View Artifacts/Site info by tapping over Map using Mapbox API to navigate the user to that place.


JavaScript, Java, CSS, HTML, TypeScript, HTML5, Python, SQL, Dart, ECMAScript (ES6), PHP, Swift, 斑马编程语言(ZPL), Go, GraphQL, Kotlin, Solidity, Python 3


Flutter, React Native, Redux,顺风CSS, Next.js, OAuth 2, UIKit, Material UI, Express.js、Angular、Jest、NestJS、Unity


React, Node.js, Stripe, Stripe API, REST APIs, Twilio API, AWS Amplify, React Router, Shopify API, API Development, Stripe Connect, Google Maps API, React Redux, Mapbox GL


Android Studio, Xcode, MQTT, GitHub, Firebase Authentication, WebView, Google Sheets, Excel 2016, Firebase云消息(FCM), Front-end Build Tools, Bitbucket, Git, Webpack, Canvas 2D, Stripe Checkout, Jira, SendGrid, JSX, Grafana, Telegraf, Confluence, Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS), Xero, ChatGPT


Mobile Development, Agile, UX Design, Cross-platform, Back-end Architecture, Automation, Responsive Web Design (RWD), REST, Management, API Architecture, DevOps, ETL, Data Science


MacOS, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Android, Firebase, iOS, Bluetooth LE, Raspberry Pi, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Apple, Twilio, Mobile, Docker, Mapbox, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Embedded Linux, AWS Lambda, FlutterFlow, Amazon, Blockchain, Arduino


JSON, PostgreSQL, NoSQL, Cloud Firestore, Google Cloud Storage, Google Cloud, InfluxDB, MongoDB, MySQL


Software, Mobile Apps, IoT Protocols, Front-end, Front-end Development, Push Notifications, APIs, 近场通信(NFC), Full-stack, Full-stack Development, Architecture, Firebase Cloud Functions, Web Development, Internet of Things (IoT), User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Scalability, CTO, Data Visualization, Stripe Payments, Payment APIs, Algorithms, Geolocation, Geofencing, Battery Management Systems, API Integration, Mobile App Development, eCommerce, App UX, App UI, Hardware, WiFi, Back-end, Solution Architecture, Team Leadership, CSV File Processing, OAuth, UI Animation, Axios, Technical Architecture, Authentication, Consulting, Design, Visualization, eCommerce APIs, Integration, SDKs, Software Development, Serverless, Security, RESTful Services, Engineering Management, Software Architecture, Delivery Management, CI/CD Pipelines, Text to Image, Transportation & Logistics, OpenAI GPT-3 API, Animation, CSS3 Animation, Lambda Functions, OpenAI, NodeMCU, Arduino IDE, Bluetooth, Smart Contracts, Rewards Programs, Performance, Optimization, FastAPI

2007 - 2011



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