Eric Belfer, Developer in Port St. Lucie, FL, United States
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Eric Belfer

Verified Expert  in Engineering

React Developer

Port St. Lucie, FL, United States
Toptal Member Since
October 6, 2021

Eric worked for various startup software companies in San Francisco, mainly in the mobile app gaming space. 他转而从事自由职业,帮助中小型公司开发面向客户和内部的软件, create MVPs, and build out and lead their tech team. His specialty is Ruby on Rails and React. Eric也有很多在云计算服务(如AWS)上建立软件基础设施的经验, Heroku, Digital Ocean, and Google.


Ruby on Rails (RoR), React, Datadog, Heroku, PostgreSQL
React, Angular, Ruby on Rails (RoR), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Heroku, Next.js...
Ruby on Rails (RoR), React, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Heroku...




Preferred Environment

Ruby on Rails API, Ruby on Rails (RoR), React, Next.js, PostgreSQL, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Heroku, Node.js

The most amazing...

...我曾经为一款美国排名前30的手机游戏应用开发了一个实时事件处理系统,并将数据存储在AWS Redshift中进行分析.

Work Experience

Senior Full-stack Developer

2021 - 2022
  • 利用Datadog发现站点中出现的许多超时的重大性能问题. After finding the causes, 构建了带有通知的仪表板小部件,供开发人员在部署新代码后进行监控.
  • 设计基础设施,带领团队开发新的入职流程,为hello比比皆是添加新品牌.
  • Moved our image storage system off of Filestack to ActiveStorage.
Technologies: Ruby on Rails (RoR), React, Datadog, Heroku, PostgreSQL

Senior Full-stack Developer

2018 - 2021
  • Created an eCommerce site built on Next.js and deployed through Vercel. 我对网站进行了优化,使其在搜索引擎查询中排名靠前,并设置了广告和内部网站跟踪.
  • Guided the startup,, on setting up their Rails API back end.
  • Tracked and fixed bugs using Trello as a reporting tool for a small startup,
技术:React、Angular、Ruby on Rails (RoR)、Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Heroku、Next.js, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Lambda

Senior Full-stack Developer

2018 - 2021
  • Led software teams that built out custom software for a range of industries.
  • 为工作人员创建了一个内部工具,以评估和跟踪互联网连接有限或不存在的领域的农业种子数据的变化. 这家名为HoladaySeed的公司总部位于加州,员工遍布北美.
  • Upgraded and built-out features for a large home builder, Classic Homes, internal Rails system to create custom contracts.
  • 开发了一个MVP月度订阅期刊网站,看看用户是否愿意支付额外费用来接收影响他们社区的当地政治新闻. The app was built leveraging Rails and React.
  • 用Rails为LittleProfessor的面向客户的应用程序建立一个移动API,用于购买书籍和跟踪订单. Also, I developed an admin dashboard with ActiveAdmin to track orders and inventory.
Technologies: Ruby on Rails (RoR), React, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Heroku, Agile Software Development, ActiveAdmin, APIs, Next.js

Senior Full-stack Developer

2019 - 2020
  • Led a team in building out an internal training tool for Modine, a heating and air conditioning company.
  • Set up automatic deployment infrastructure to allow for continuous development. The system had an automated test ran by CircleCI.
  • 使用Jira跟踪功能的时间表,以确保团队能够在预计的完成日期前完成任务.
Technologies: Next.js, React, Express.js, Amazon Web Services (AWS), MongoDB

Lead Analytics Software Developer

2017 - 2018
  • 在AWS Redshift上开发了一个内部产品,用于处理和存储游戏中的时间序列事件.
  • Created SQL views, dynamic graphs, 以及每日报告工具,以显示用户从游戏内活动中获得的潜在终身货币价值. 这些工具为分析人员提供了一种深入研究数据并从精选数据生成自定义报告的方法.
  • 开发用户重定向程序,针对游戏内通知进行a /B测试,并随时间提供每个用户群体的指标.
技术:Ruby on Rails (RoR), Redshift, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon EC2, PostgreSQL

Lead Server Engineer

2016 - 2017
  • 建立一个动态的后端服务器启动和关闭系统,以应对游戏内的活动高峰. I improved overall server costs by 35% and removed the human element.
  • Developed and maintained their user acquisition platform to track spending, installs, revenue, and other metrics on ad campaigns on over 10 advertising platforms.
  • Oversaw launches for new version releases for a top 30 mobile game in the US app store.
Technologies: Ruby on Rails (RoR), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon EC2, AWS ALB

Back-end Developer

2014 - 2016
  • 通过利用memcached缓存进入比赛的用户的所有类型的怪物,将游戏内比赛的后端处理时间缩短了两倍, reducing overall costs of hosting tournaments.
  • Tracked and fixed bugs using Jira as a reporting tool.
  • 构建API重放脚本,以更好地测试复杂的手机游戏交互,而无需遍历游戏并进行交互. Also, 我将新版本发布前用于后端开发测试的时间减少了大约40%.
技术:Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Ruby on Rails (RoR)、Amazon DynamoDB、Amazon EC2、Memcached

一个基于MVP rails的每月订阅报纸网站,提供有关当地政治问题的文章. 这个想法是为了看看人们是否有兴趣深入研究与他们和他们当地社区直接相关的政治话题. The site's goal is to test user traction. 因此,我们集成了optimely,允许管理员用户创建各种A/B实验. The app also integrates monthly recurring payments with Recurly, and the payment processing piece integrates with PayPal, Apple Payments, and Stripe. Finally, 该应用程序用户ActiveAdmin创建一个简单的框架,用于管理调整和管理方面的报告.

基于rails的应用程序是由社区提交的脚本驱动的文学出版平台. Authors post partial or complete manuscripts to the site, readers vote on the scripts submitted, 然后Inkshares出版团队挑选出传统意义上的顶级脚本进行出版. I was one of the back-end developers on the project. A significant feature I built out was the search functionality for the site, which integrates with Algolia Search. In addition, it allowed for dynamic typeahead searching on all manuscripts. 我率先推出的另一个功能是支付服务,它利用Stripe来处理支付.

Goodbye to Muck & Weeds!
The app is an eCommerce site built with Next.js and an AWS Lambda API back end connected to DynamoDB. Vercel is used to make app deployments. The app is 100% server-side rendered, which leverages Vercel's CDN. The app has a blog that leverages Cosmic JS, a headless CMS, 允许新的博客页面添加每月的所有者,以提高谷歌网站的排名. The app also has multiple URL endpoints for serving customers in Europe vs. Northern America as pricing, shipping, catalog of products, and languages change between the two regions. 我是首席开发人员,与设计团队合作,将应用从想法转化为产品. 这个应用程序很简单,但利用各种先进的技术来创建一个快速而强大的网站.

Toptal Node.js Accelerator

The Node.js Accelerator是一个专为JavaScript和Node后端开发人员提供培训的学习程序.js, ExpressJs, NestJS, and TypeScript. This is a two-month program that consists of rigorous learning exercises, live instructor-led sessions by SMEs, hands-on activities along with a stringent evaluation process, comprehensive assessments, 以及一个增量项目,参与者使用Express实现几个微服务(REST api).js and Nest.js. 增量项目模拟由两个服务组成的电子商务应用程序.e., 使用用户管理实现身份验证的用户服务和提供管理库存功能的产品目录服务.


SQL, JavaScript, TypeScript


Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby on Rails 4, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Angular, Express.js, NestJS


Ruby on Rails API, React, Node.js, Stripe, Cosmic JS


Agile Software Development


Heroku, Amazon Web Services (AWS), AWS Lambda, Amazon EC2, AWS ALB


PostgreSQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Amazon DynamoDB, Redshift, MongoDB, Memcached, Datadog


APIs, LogRocket, ActiveAdmin, Content Delivery Networks (CDN)


Recurly, Optimizely

2010 - 2014

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Industrial and Operations Engineering

University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, MI


Toptal Node.js Accelerator Graduate

Toptal, LLC

Collaboration That Works

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