Tomek Nowak,波兰Gdańsk的设计师
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Tomek Nowak

Verified Expert  in Design


Gdańsk, Poland
Toptal Member Since
December 30, 2015

Tomek是一位经验丰富的产品设计师,拥有15年的专业知识, 主要专注于网页和本地移动应用程序的设计. 他的专业领域包括网络应用(pwa和桌面应用)。, native iOS and Android apps, and design systems. 他曾与哈佛医学院、Booking等知名品牌合作.com、Japan Rail Pass、DealDash、Smart Token Labs以及许多其他大大小小的初创公司. Tomek创建了波兰最大的旅游网络应用程序之一,拥有超过500万独立用户.


Work Experience


2011 - PRESENT
  • 为SBGrids Consortium规划和设计了一个网站, 作为自由职业者在哈佛医学院(HBR实验室)工作.
  • 在proters做自由职业者, 中东最大的电子招标平台, 有120亿美元的进展线索.
  • 为日本铁路通票零售商规划和设计了整个体验.
  • 使用Photoshop和Illustrator以用户为中心的设计方法创建响应式网站设计.
  • 将复杂的想法和业务需求转化为线框图, prototypes, and mockups using Axure, Balsamiq, and InVision.
  • Conducted UX research, including user stories, personas, user journeys, user flows, concept stories, and origin stories.
  • 使用Sketch, InVision和Photoshop为web, iOS和Android设计直观的用户界面.
  • 通过执行技术分析,为转化率优化做出贡献, heuristic analysis, digital analysis, mouse tracking, and user tests.
  • 简明地收集来自利益相关者和团队成员的反馈.
  • 与开发团队紧密合作,提供高保真度的设计.
Technologies: Sketch, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, User Interface (UI), UX Design, Web UX, Prototyping, Illustration, Organic SEO, Web UX Design, Visual Design, Web Design, UI Design, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Web UI Design, Lean UX, Photoshop CC, Landing Page Optimization, Critical Thinking, UX Wireframes, User-centered Design (UCD), Wireframing, Zeplin, Web Illustration, Icon Design, User Interviews, Web App UI, User Flows, SaaS Design, Web UI, Creativity, 搜索引擎优化(SEO), Cartoon Illustration, Sketching, Design Systems, Financial Design, B2B, Personas, Dashboard Design, Cartoon Character Design, User Testing, Atomic Design, Mobile UI, Web App Design, Android App Design, Mobile UX, Figma, Layout Design, Collaboration, Usability Testing, Web Applications, Landing Page Design, Mockups, User Journeys, Product Design, Mobile Apps, Illustrator CC, Data Visualization, MVP Design, Graphic Design, UX Research, Mobile UX Design, Mobile UI Design, User Personas, User Research

CEO |创始人|产品设计师

2019 - 2023
  • 创立并引导Brate.它现在是波兰最大的旅游网络应用程序之一,拥有超过500万用户.
  • 计划和进行研究(1).e.、用户访谈、调查、分析、可用性测试、无节制测试等.)来评估概念和测试假设, 产生基于证据的见解来影响产品决策.
  • 分析热图,点击图,并记录回放会话. 在UX流程中发现bug和摩擦区域.
  • Planned, prototyped, designed, 并使用Photoshop测试了web应用程序的用户界面, Illustrator, Sketch, Figma, Invison, After Effects, and more.
  • 使用令牌经济流创建了整个令牌化模型, 带有授权时间表的标记经济学表, cliffs, tranches, token emission chart, and full pitch deck.
  • Planned, designed, 并部署了一个游戏化系统,用户可以收到明信片作为他们评论的交换. 结果收到了4678条评论.
  • 进行重复的游击用户测试, 这导致了用户体验的改善和公司战略的转变.
  • 波哥大DevCon的风险投资, Token2049 in London, 以及柏林的Next Block Expo.
  • 从波兰寻找并招募承包商(主要是文案), China, Australia, Bulgaria, Sweden, and Brazil. 学会了如何管理人员和项目.
  • 在Polygon链上铸造Brate令牌,并为整个组织建立多重签名.
技术:Google Analytics, Hotjar, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Mapbox, 内容分发网络(CDN), Sketch, User Behavior, UX Design, User Interface (UI), Web UX, Prototyping, Website Redesign, Tokenization, Travel & Leisure, Illustration, Non-fungible Tokens (NFT), Utility Tokens, Organic SEO, Blockchain, Web Forms, Web UX Design, Visual Design, Web Design, UI Design, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Web UI Design, Pitch Decks, Figma, SaaS Design, Lean UX, Tokenomics, Cryptocurrency, Landing Page Optimization, Web 3.0, Critical Thinking, UX Wireframes, User-centered Design (UCD), Wireframing, Zeplin, Web Illustration, Icon Design, User Interviews, Web App UI, Web UI, Creativity, 搜索引擎优化(SEO), Google SEO, Cartoon Illustration, Sketching, Design Systems, Crypto, UI Maps, Ethereum, Personas, Dashboard Design, Apps, Cartoon Character Design, User Testing, Atomic Design, Web3, Mobile UI, Web App Design, Mobile UX, Layout Design, Collaboration, Usability Testing, Web Applications, Landing Page Design, Mockups, User Journeys, Product Design, Illustrator CC, Data Visualization, MVP Design, Graphic Design, UX Research, Mobile UX Design, Mobile UI Design, User Personas, User Research

Product Designer

2021 - 2022
Smart Token Labs
  • CoFiX dApp(去中心化app)规划设计, 先进的自动做市协议和去中心化交易所(DEX).
  • 在加密市场进行用户体验研究, 特别关注以太坊, DeFi projects, NFT tokens, tokenization, 区块链上的认证, secure enclave, seed phrase backup, and many more.
  • 重新设计网站,做SEO(搜索引擎优化).
  • 创建了区块链托管的概念, 用户可以在哪里将资金存入托管,并在满足某些智能合约标准时释放.
  • 策划并设计BrandConnector概念, 一个简单的网站工具,让任何品牌自定义内容, offers, 或奖励任何用户钱包中的任何nft.
  • 为Devcon、Edcon、Devconnect等多个Web3会议创建web应用. 这些应用程序允许参与者在区块链上铸造他们的会议门票,并享受无需许可的特权.
  • 为多个Web3项目进行无节制的用户测试.
  • Created the user flow, prototype, 以及用于在Polygon和以太坊区块链上创建认证的高保真设计.
  • 在精益UX方法论中工作,多次迭代并检查结果.
  • 简明地收集来自利益相关者和团队成员的反馈.
技术:Adobe Illustrator, Sketch, Adobe Photoshop, Drawing, UX Design, User Interface (UI), Web UX, Prototyping, Website Redesign, Tokenization, Google Analytics, Non-fungible Tokens (NFT), Utility Tokens, iOS, Blockchain, Web Forms, Web UX Design, Visual Design, UI Design, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Web UI Design, SaaS, Pitch Decks, Lean UX, Mobile Wallet, Tokenomics, Cryptocurrency, Web 3.0, Figma, Critical Thinking, UX Wireframes, User-centered Design (UCD), Wireframing, Zeplin, Icon Design, User Interviews, Web App UI, User Flows, SaaS Design, Web UI, Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Creativity, Trading Applications, Cartoon Illustration, Sketching, Design Systems, Crypto, Financial Design, B2B, Ethereum, Finance, Personas, Dashboard Design, Dashboards, User Testing, Atomic Design, Web3, Mobile UI, Web App Design, Android App Design, Mobile UX, Cryptocurrency Wallets, Layout Design, Usability Testing, Web Applications, Landing Page Design, Mockups, Android Material Design, Material Design, User Journeys, Product Design, Mobile Apps, Illustrator CC, Data Visualization, MVP Design, Graphic Design, UX Research, Native Mobile Apps, Mobile UX Design, Mobile UI Design, User Personas, User Research

Senior UI/UX Designer

2019 - 2022
  • 在加密市场进行用户体验研究, 特别关注以太坊, DeFi projects, NFT tokens, tokenization, 区块链上的认证, secure enclave, seed phrase backup, and other related areas.
  • 使用Sketch和Zeplin创建了一个设计系统,后来过渡到Figma, 确保它符合原生材料设计和苹果iOS指南.
  • 对现有产品、竞争对手和新功能进行多次用户测试.
  • 分叉和重新设计了多个侧面项目的钱包,如Bartercard, FIFA World Cup Tickets, Polygon wallet, and Klaytn wallet.
  • 应用Nir Eyal创建的习惯养成产品框架,称为“挂钩”AlphaWallet.
  • 学习并应用金融产品数据可视化的最佳实践.
  • 从用户体验的角度提出了以太坊第二层的解决方案.
  • 在精益UX方法论中工作,多次迭代并检查结果.
  • 绘制和设计自定义图标和插图(铅笔,Illustrator).
技术:Android应用程序设计, iOS App Design, Design Systems, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop CC, Sketch, Crypto, Mobile Wallet, Ethereum, Blockchain, UX Design, User Interface (UI), Web UX, Prototyping, Website Redesign, Tokenization, Google Analytics, Illustration, Non-fungible Tokens (NFT), Utility Tokens, Organic SEO, iOS, Web UX Design, Visual Design, UI Design, Lean UX, Tokenomics, Cryptocurrency, Landing Page Optimization, Web 3.0, Critical Thinking, UX Wireframes, User-centered Design (UCD), Wireframing, Zeplin, Web Illustration, Icon Design, User Interviews, Web App UI, User Flows, Web UI, Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Creativity, Trading Applications, 搜索引擎优化(SEO), Google SEO, Cartoon Illustration, Sketching, Financial Design, Finance, Personas, Dashboard Design, Dashboards, Apps, Cartoon Character Design, iOS UX Design, User Testing, Atomic Design, Web3, Mobile UI, Mobile UX, Figma, Cryptocurrency Wallets, Layout Design, Collaboration, Usability Testing, Web Applications, Landing Page Design, Mockups, iOS UI Design, Android Material Design, Material Design, User Journeys, Product Design, Mobile Apps, Illustrator CC, Data Visualization, MVP Design, Graphic Design, Native Mobile Apps, Mobile UX Design, Mobile UI Design, User Personas, User Research

Senior iOS App Designer

2018 - 2019
  • 为整个应用程序创建用户流程图,并根据反馈进行迭代.
  • 为iOS原生应用设计用户界面(超过250个屏幕). 其中有许多是金融图表.
  • 创建自定义图标(铅笔、纸、Illustrator和Sketch).
  • 计划和设计应用的游戏化模式.
  • 为日本市场创建自定义角色(漫画风格).
  • 规划和设计有效的用户入职流程.
  • 创造性地、有效地解决复杂的用户体验问题.
  • 在精益UX方法论中工作,多次迭代并检查结果.
  • 创建交互原型(Sketch, InVision).
  • 在UX流程中发现bug和摩擦区域.
技术:Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Sketch, iOS, User Interface (UI), UX Design, Web UX, Prototyping, Website Redesign, Illustration, Utility Tokens, Blockchain, Web UX Design, Visual Design, Web Design, UI Design, SaaS, Lean UX, Photoshop CC, Landing Page Optimization, Web 3.0, Critical Thinking, UX Wireframes, User-centered Design (UCD), Wireframing, Zeplin, Web Illustration, Icon Design, User Interviews, Web App UI, User Flows, Web UI, Creativity, Trading Applications, Cartoon Illustration, Sketching, Design Systems, Crypto, Financial Design, Ethereum, Finance, Personas, Dashboard Design, Dashboards, Apps, Cartoon Character Design, iOS UX Design, User Testing, Mobile UI, iOS App Design, Mobile UX, Layout Design, Collaboration, Usability Testing, Web Applications, Landing Page Design, Mockups, iOS UI Design, Android Material Design, Material Design, User Journeys, Product Design, Mobile Apps, Illustrator CC, Data Visualization, MVP Design, Graphic Design, UX Research, Native Mobile Apps, Mobile UX Design, Mobile UI Design, User Personas, User Research

UI/UX Designer

2016 - 2017
  • 为超过100个屏幕的iOS和Android原生应用设计用户界面.
  • Produced custom icons, illustrations, 用铅笔设计卡通人物, paper, and Illustrator.
  • 计划和设计足够的入职用户流程.
  • 创造性地、有效地解决复杂的用户体验问题.
  • 分析热图,点击地图,并记录回放会话与Hotjar.
  • 设计了80种不同的广告,从Facebook广告中获得了很高的投资回报率.
  • 为YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, App Store和Google Play创建封面图形.
  • 在精益UX环境中工作,迭代大量并检查结果.
  • 提供Sketch和InVision的交互原型.
  • 建立设计风格指南,确保所有平台和设备的一致性.
技术:Adobe After Effects, Sketch, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, User Interface (UI), Prototyping, Website Redesign, Illustration, iOS, Web Forms, Web UX Design, Visual Design, UI Design, Lean UX, Photoshop CC, Critical Thinking, UX Wireframes, User-centered Design (UCD), Wireframing, Zeplin, Web Illustration, Icon Design, User Interviews, User Flows, Mobile Game UI, Web UI, Creativity, Cartoon Illustration, Sketching, Design Systems, Personas, Apps, Cartoon Character Design, iOS UX Design, User Testing, Mobile UI, Web App Design, Mobile UX, Layout Design, Collaboration, Web Applications, Mockups, iOS UI Design, Android Material Design, Material Design, User Journeys, Product Design, Mobile Apps, Illustrator CC, Data Visualization, MVP Design, Graphic Design, UX Research, Native Mobile Apps, Mobile UX Design, Mobile UI Design, User Personas, User Research

UI/UX Designer

2016 - 2016
  • 为iOS原生应用设计用户界面.
  • 在明尼阿波利斯办公室进行内部用户测试.
  • 收集来自用户和团队成员的数据和反馈.
  • 设计并交付用户流程、模型和交互原型.
  • 与开发和产品团队紧密合作,提供所有必要的资产.
  • 改进了原生iOS应用的登录过程.
  • 在敏捷环境中远程工作,使用Slack和GitHub.
  • 将已建立的UI模式应用于原型和设计,以确保Photoshop和Sketch平台之间的一致性.
  • 重新设计登陆页面的UI元素,提高可用性和用户流.
  • 提供创新的想法,从机密数据中获得更多收入和利润.
Technologies: Sketch, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, User Interface (UI), Prototyping, Website Redesign, Google Analytics, Web Forms, Web UX Design, Visual Design, UI Design, Web UI Design, Lean UX, Photoshop CC, Critical Thinking, UX Wireframes, User-centered Design (UCD), Wireframing, Zeplin, Icon Design, User Flows, Mobile Game UI, Web UI, Creativity, Cartoon Illustration, Sketching, Design Systems, UI Maps, Personas, Dashboard Design, Dashboards, User Testing, Web App Design, Mobile UX, Layout Design, Collaboration, Usability Testing, Web Applications, Mockups, iOS UI Design, Android Material Design, Material Design, User Journeys, Product Design, Mobile Apps, Illustrator CC, Data Visualization, MVP Design, Graphic Design, UX Research, Native Mobile Apps, Mobile UX Design, Mobile UI Design, User Personas, User Research

UI/UX Designer

2011 - 2013
  • Planned, prototyped, 为TribalVision客户(主要是金融/咨询部门)设计了一个网站UI. 我重新设计或从零开始制作了超过12个网站(Photoshop).
  • 处理了TribalVision登陆页面和内部页面的完整网站重新设计.
  • 绘制和设计自定义图标和插图(Illustrator).
  • 在用户体验流程中发现漏洞和摩擦区域.
  • 将复杂的想法和业务需求转化为线框图, prototypes, and mockups (Axure, Balsamiq, InVision).
  • 为10个客户制作多页ppt.
  • 开发前端(HTML5和CSS3),并根据反馈进行迭代.
  • 在设计时注重细节,并遵循可用性最佳实践.
技术:Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, User Interface (UI), Web UX, Prototyping, Website Redesign, Google Analytics, Web Forms, Web UX Design, Web Design, UI Design, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Web UI Design, Lean UX, Photoshop CC, Landing Page Optimization, Critical Thinking, UX Wireframes, User-centered Design (UCD), Wireframing, Zeplin, Icon Design, User Flows, Web UI, Creativity, Cartoon Illustration, Sketching, Design Systems, B2B, Personas, Dashboard Design, Dashboards, User Testing, Web App Design, Mobile UX, Layout Design, Collaboration, Usability Testing, Web Applications, Landing Page Design, Mockups, Material Design, User Journeys, Product Design, Mobile Apps, Illustrator CC, MVP Design, Graphic Design, UX Research, Mobile UX Design, Mobile UI Design, User Personas, User Research

UI Designer

2010 - 2011
HBR Labs
  • 为新的协同平台设计UI.
  • 规划、原型化和设计网站用户界面.
  • 修复了用户体验流程中的bug和摩擦区域.
技术:Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, User Interface (UI), Web UX, Prototyping, Website Redesign, Web UX Design, Visual Design, Web Design, UI Design, Responsive Web Design (RWD), Web UI Design, Lean UX, Photoshop CC, Landing Page Optimization, Critical Thinking, UX Wireframes, User-centered Design (UCD), Wireframing, Zeplin, Web Illustration, Icon Design, User Flows, Web UI, Creativity, Cartoon Illustration, Sketching, Design Systems, User Testing, Web App Design, Layout Design, Collaboration, Usability Testing, Web Applications, Landing Page Design, Mockups, User Journeys, Product Design, Illustrator CC, MVP Design, Graphic Design, UX Research, Mobile UX Design, Mobile UI Design, User Personas, User Research
2018 - 2019


CXL Insitute - Austin, Texas

2010 - 2011



2006 - 2009


计算机科学与技能大学- Łódź,波兰


Product-led SaaS Growth

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UX for Marketers

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Persuasive Websites

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Form Optimization

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Data-driven UX

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Applied Neuromarketing

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eCommerce Growth Masterclass

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Landing Page Optimization

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Collaboration That Works

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